روستای خلاق

پیشرفت پایدار روستایی

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Creative village theory - Extend Abstract by Mahdi Rastghalam

Extend abstract

Introduction: One of the major challenges in developing countries are depression and decline of villages. Over the centuries, the village was a place for living and production. Unfortunately, many rural areas face by losing their population in the migration process, exodus and physical destruction and on the other hand, many cities face with population density, increased consumption of natural resources and reduce moral obligations interactions. Therefore providing the suitable and effective approaches to prevent inappropriate changes of current trends in urban and rural settlements is required. According to creative city theory that could present new approaches to more progress and favorable dynamic for urban residents based on sustainable development principles, it is assumed that creative village can call new roadmap for current rural challenges too. The goal of this study is to present a new approach about creative village based on creative city theory from one side and to determine the key divers’  this approach in order to overcoming the depression and decline of rural on the other hand. It has multi dimensions necessity. Call for development and progress content to rural settlements, optimum distribution of population and activities, establish balance between village and city in developing countries, suitable load carrying capacity of cities in population, focusing on the field of thought and innovation and decartelization are some important dimensions.  

Theoretical framework: according to creative city theory and creative class concept on the other hand,  and based on rural development process to improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas on the other hand, it is necessary to get comprehensive balance between urban and rural settlements. Some theories have small hint but not comprehensive and not direct. “Redfield”, “Lipton”, “McClelland”, “Bylund & Morrill” have presented some dimensions that connect whit creative village theory. Also the Islamic Iranian progress model hint to creativity motivation as rural progress.

Methodology: according to futuristic research plan and the lack of actual data about assumed theory, it is necessary to get data from experts. In the first step of study, by using internal and external views of 31 experts based on the Delphi technique, the definition of creative village is synthesized. Three rounds questioner, by T-test analyzed. In the second step, determining the key drivers and intensity of the impact of each of them in realization of creative village approach is done. The algorithm of Mic Mac software is used to future study about new creative village approaches.

Results: According to comprehensive researches (documentaries, internet base and et al, creative village theory not found and it is almost done that in this research this theory is provided.  The results in first step show that the theory of creative village has a triple structure consisting of pillars, infrastructure and indexes. The structure has 15 components and 47 indicators. The highest scores ofcreative class immigrants to the village” is 0.087452 and 0.035478 is the lowest score related tocommunication with relatives”. In second step results show that the impact and effectiveness of direct and indirect map of 15 factors. "vision" factor with intensity nine , "risk" Intensity six, "village space" intensity six, "partnership" with intensity of four and "rural communications" with the intensity of the two, are input variables by the maximum pure direct effectiveness as the key drivers of creative village approach. This step is done by Mic Mac software as future studies tool.

Conclusion: The creative village is space of sustainable livelihood based on eco-oriented life style, clean environment and good facilities, attracting the creative class in non-high-tech industries, especially in the field of culture and art and provides a platform of innovation based on win-win situation for rural community, creative class and rural consumers. Rural creative class is composed of two groups. The first group include residents of rural creative and the second group of creative people is due to the characteristics of the creative village, choose to live in it. Creative village approach to explaining the three-dimensional structure elements, infrastructure and indicators obtained in this study is an opportunity for creativity and dynamism of rural development. Creative village approach by using the talents, life and experience living in the village and foster creativity in the community, provide the revival process of rural settlements. Creating new opportunities in production and income, restoring life to attract the creative class, providing a good quality of life based on appropriate accommodations, value and wealth of social, economic, cultural and environmental issues, including prospects for a creative approach to the village.

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تعریف روستای خلاق - مهدی راست قلم

روستای خلاق فضایی است که با ابتنا بر فرایندهای بوم­مدارانه سبک زندگی، محیط­زیست پاک و امکانات مطلوب، زمینه جذب طبقه خلاق در صنایع با فناوری غیر سطح بالا، بویژه در بخش فرهنگ و هنر را مهیا و بستر بروز خلاقیت و انتفاع برد - برد جامعه روستایی، طبقه خلاق و مخاطبان محصولات خلاقانه روستایی را فراهم می­آورد. تولید ثروت در این روستا ناشی از خلاقیت­های طبقه خلاق و مکمل فعالیت­های ذاتی روستا در تولیدات سنتی در بخش­های دیگر است

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